What is the natural way of chick hatching?

The natural way means a broody hen will incubate eggs to hatch chicks. I have personal experience of egg hatching in the natural way with a broody hen. Here is a series of chick hatching:

Find a Broody Hen: Not all hens will go broody, but some will show signs of broodiness, such as spending extended periods of time in the nest box, puffing up their feathers, and becoming protective of their nest.

Prepare a Nest: Ensure that the broody hen has access to a quiet, secluded nesting area where she can safely incubate her eggs without disturbance.

Collect Fertile Eggs: Gather fertile eggs from your flock or a trusted source. Ensure that the eggs are clean and uncracked.

Place Eggs Under the Broody Hen: Once you’ve identified a broody hen and have suitable eggs, gently place the eggs under her in the nesting area during the evening when she is settled in the nest.

Allow the Hen to Incubate: Allow the broody hen to incubate the eggs for the entire duration of the incubation period, which typically lasts around 21 days for most chicken breeds.

Provide Necessary Care: During the incubation period, provide the broody hen with fresh water and feed near her nesting area to ensure she stays healthy and nourished. You may also need to periodically check on her to ensure she is caring for the eggs properly.

Caring for Hatchlings: Finally, you have to take care of chicks. Once the eggs hatch, the hen will typically care for the chicks, keeping them warm and showing them how to find food and water. You have to provide a safe environment for the hen and her chicks.

In a word, natural hatching offers numerous benefits. It allows you to save money by not buying extra stuff. Natural hatching promotes sustainability by reducing reliance on artificial incubators and other equipment.