You may have come across a YouTube video showcasing a bird and a dog having fun together or acting like the best of friends, which inspired you to create that bond in your own home. Today, I’ll guide you on how to achieve this harmonious relationship. It’s crucial to understand that birds are prey animals while dogs are predators. Despite their differing instincts and behaviors, a strong connection can develop between them with the right introductions, training, and supervision. Let’s explore how to make this friendship flourish.
It’s essential to remember that birds are prey and dogs are natural predators. You must train your dog adequately so it does not pose a threat to the bird. Dogs instinctively hunt; even if your dog displays no overt aggression but merely shows curiosity towards your bird, there’s still the risk of accidentally harming it during playtime.
The first step is ensuring that your bird has secure housing. Make certain its cage is spacious, sturdy, and equipped with locks that prevent the dog from opening it. If you allow free-range access for your bird, be sure to install perches high up in the room so it has safe spots to retreat to when feeling threatened or anxious.
Make sure you wash your hand thoroughly when get contact with dog spit and before handling your bird. Dog spit has bacteria that is harmful and dangerous to your bird. So never let your dog lick your bird.
Introduce your pets
You have to start introducing at a very slow pace. Bring them contact with each other several time. You need to start this process by keep your dog inside his case then bring your bird in front of your dog. Similarly keep your bird inside of case and bring your dog in front of the bird. Repeat this several times. If you notice your dog doesn’t show predatory behavior then you can introduce them in a free range in side of your room. Slowly you can increase their time socializing. Definitely don’t rush. You should train some command to your dog when introducing them in order to keep your dog calm.
If your dog shows predatory behavior
● Give them a command NO
● Try to redirect your dog’s attention to you
● Make them calm down
● ask them to sit or lie down
● Reward them for friendly and good behavior
Easy socialization
It is good time to make bond between a dog and bird at young age. It increases the likelihood of them forming a positive relationship. A baby dog and baby bird are more likely see each other as companions. Early exposure allows them to learn each other’s cues and behaviors, fostering mutual understanding and respect.
Supervised interactions
Initial interactions between a bird and a dog should always be supervised. Even if both animals are well-socialized, it’s essential to ensure their safety and prevent any potential accidents. You have to secure your bird always. You should never leave your bird with your dog unsupervised. Accident can always happened even with most well trained and trustworthy.
You have to train both dog and the bird to understand boundaries and respect each other. Especially you dog should learn command to prevent from chasing or bothering the bird. Similarly, the can be trained to stay on perches or designated areas when interacting with the dog. Consistent training will make a positive behavior and help to establish a good relationship between the two pets.
Reward them
Both dogs and birds share a common trait: they’re easily distracted and motivated by food. Offering them plenty of tasty treats can be a great way to reward each of them for good behavior during the introductory phase of their relationship. Be sure to have plenty of treats for each animal on hand before beginning your sessions with them. Positive reinforcement with treats not only encourages desired behaviors but also helps to create a positive association between the two animals, making their interactions more enjoyable and reinforcing their bond.
Mistakes to avoid
There are some mistakes you should avoid when considering have a bird and dog. Never let them meet with each other without enough train them. Keep your bird secured in side of its cage when the dog is present.
Some people always keep dog and bird in separate room and never meet them. In my opinion it can be risky because you won’t always be in control of everything. If accidently you dog and bird meet then your dog can attack your bird because you never trained to be around a bird.
Make sure that you placed your bird cage in a secure spot where your dog will not be able to jump and reach it and grab your bird.